Sunday, April 3, 2011

I love my family. They are the highlight of my life. I don't know where I would be without them. My mom especially. She has done so much for me. She gave birth to me. She feeds me. Tonight I have spent the evening with them and have been nothing but a pain, I'm sure. Right now they are watching "Tangled" which is a great movie. I'm just too tired and want to get some homework done. Plus, I don't own a car at the moment. Some old people drove into me. Not very cool, but at least I'm alive. I am looking to find a rental car, but everywhere I look you have to be 21 or older. Usually at least 24. What is that? Age discrimination? I think so.

Anyway. This September, I would really like to rent a house with a couple friends. Maybe that would work. We'll see what God has in store.

I am quite sore. My back feels all knotted up. I think its from the accident. Ive had back problems for a while. I need to see a chiropractor. I know I'll end up seeing one. But I need a car! On a side note, our party was off the hook! Great time!